The constant awareness of the Guests for the practice of sustainable actions is one of our responsibilities. The release by the Park of the quality label rewards the Hotel Europeo for the respect and enhancement of the resources of the territory as well as for the commitment in communicating the peculiarities of the protected area. The choice to propose an eco-friendly vacation because it has a low environmental impact is certainly a winning one because it brings well-being to the local area, to the Dolomites and to tourists. A virtuous circle is thus created, we receive energy and heat from nature which is transformed into profound respect for it through the protection of the landscape and cultural heritage.
You can take part of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park project which follows the directives of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism by requesting the sign up in the community of “ParKeepers”.
You will receive a special Identity Card and the access to the “Charter of Rights and Duties” of ParKeeper containing the details of the special initiative (reserved for adults).
Confirming our commitment and the presence of structural characteristics that meet important sustainability criteria, the Ecobnb platform has included the Hotel Europeo in the ecoexcellence category.
By clicking on this link you will see our corporate mission statement.
On 29th January 2020 we received with pride and satisfaction from the representatives of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park the “CETS – Quality Park” brand as a certificate of our contribution for environmental sustainability.